Rich Dad World Live app for iPhone and iPad

4.6 ( 4576 ratings )
Finance Education
Developer: Professional Education Institute
Current version: 1.2.10, last update: 8 years ago
First release : 10 Jan 2012
App size: 14.67 Mb

How would you like to get free access to exclusive Rich Dad video content to help you get out of the rat race?

Download Rich Dad World Live today and gain full access to a library of Rich Dad videos, along with special access to view LIVE Rich Dad events right on your Apple device, from anywhere in the world.

With the Rich Dad World Live app, you’ll also get access to view on-demand replays of some of Rich Dad’s most popular live events. Download today so you can watch Robert and his team of hand-picked advisors as they help you not only survive, but thrive, in this current economy. Through these exclusive videos you’ll learn how to apply the Rich Dad philosophy in your own personal life and can begin building your own wealth and success.

About Rich Dad:
The philosophy of Rich Dad was built from a simple lesson learned by Robert Kiyosaki at an early age. He had two dads – one rich and one poor.
Roberts poor dad, his natural father, was highly educated, the head of the Hawaiian school system, and enjoyed a decent salary. Yet, he constantly complained about having being broke and continually said, "I cant afford it."
Roberts rich dad, his best friends father, was a high-school dropout building a business. He wasn’t wealthy. Yet, he constantly enjoyed the finer things in life and always asked, "How can I afford it?"
The contrast between Roberts two dads taught him a great lesson. Robert realized his poor dads outlook suppressed his dreams and closed his mind to the possibility of financial freedom. He died penniless and full of regret.
His rich dads outlook elevated his dreams and opened his mind to lifes possibilities. He achieved great wealth, financial freedom, and enjoyed life to the fullest.
Both were good and highly capable men. But only one lived richly.
Throughout his life, Roberts rich dad taught him many valuable, financial lessons. Sometimes Robert listened. Sometimes he had to learn the hard way. But by applying these lessons, Robert became financially free and retired.
However, Robert wasnt content with retirement. Fueled by the passion to share his financial wisdom with others, Robert created his board game, CASHFLOW®, based on his belief that people learn best through simulation. Robert Kiyosaki is also the author of the #1 personal finance book of all time, Rich Dad Poor Dad. Through his teachings you can get on the right path to becoming financially free. Now, through this app you can watch him as he travels around the World spreading his knowledge of financial literacy.

What you get:
In the Fall of 2008, Robert and his team held a special 3-day live event in Scottsdale, Arizona entitled How To Predict The Future. This intense, sold-out educational event brought together students and experts from around the world. At the event, the team of presenters covered information including:
How to predict the future by learning from past cycles and events
The importance of the Mandrake Mechanism of money creation and how to benefit from it
How to design your future using the PERT technique
We’ve included over 4 hours of highlight footage from the event that will reveal strategies you can apply to predict the future and transform your life.
Warning: This footage may contain adult language. Viewer discretion is advised.
You will also get:
· Access to video from Robert and his team of advisors.
· Access to video Replays of Rich Dad Live Stream events
· SPECIAL BONUS: A FREE Introduction to Rich Dad Coaching so you can work with one of Roberts hand-picked Coaches to increase your monthly income! And much more!

Pros and cons of Rich Dad World Live app for iPhone and iPad

Rich Dad World Live app good for

If the idiot above doesnt realize what they are reviewing, you shouldnt listen to his advice! Buddy! This is Rich Dad! NOT Amway! Moron! Rich Dad offers a way out! Its either you educate yourself with the resources they are willing to provide or you waste your money doing nothing! What else are you doing? Everyone always thinks they have plans and options when in reality they dont! People just make excuses and dont realize it cause they are so ingrained in the system that is designed to keep them down! Rich Dad Forever! Changed my life and thats cause I let it!!!!
This was such a fun way to learn! Videos, games, reading, all sorts. It got me back to reading Rich Dad Poor Dad once again. Also playing the Cashflow game (Super fun!) I wish there was more content. Thats the only thing I would ask :)
Richdadworld on ipad ... thanks now I can see videos purchased in every place

Some bad moments

Rich dad poor dad isa terrible scam. They will tell you that you will be rich and retire young. We went to many meetings and found out that Amway will ruin your life. They want you to buy all your groceries/perishables from them, basically you make money back, but you overpay.... Running yourself bankrupt. I do not recommend ever going to an event.
Cant move past username, to type in account pw on my iPad. Whats up?
This App say that my login is incorrect, but on Your website is correct. It useless.
I have recently watched an Live event and was very happy with the performance on my iPhone 6. Thanks for having this wealth of information in this app!
Cannot effectively evaluate due to nothing listed in the Live Events or Past Events. On a plus side the videos are present.
Lots of great knowledge and information. Ive been waiting for something like this. And what makes it even better is all the free past events. All on my iPhone. Thanks Robert & Kim!